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导读:1 pioneer是指开创者、先驱或先锋,常用于形容那些勇于探索和开拓新领域的人。:He is a pioneer in the field of biotechnolo

1. pioneer是指开创者、先驱或先锋,常用于形容那些勇于探索和开拓新领域的人。:He is a pioneer in the field of biotechnology.(他是生物技术领域的先驱。)

2. pioneer也可以作为动词,意为“开辟、开拓或倡导”,常与介词in搭配使用,表示在某一领域或活动中起先导作用。:She pioneered new teaching methods in her school.(她在学校里倡导了新的教学方法。)

3. pioneer也可以指“移居者、殖民者”,特别是指最早来到某地并开始定居的人。:The pioneers faced many challenges when they first settled in this area.(最早定居在这个地区的移居者面临了许多挑战。)



1. 他们被视为社会改革的先驱。(They were seen as pioneers of social reform.)

2. 这位企业家在电子商务领域有着卓越的成就。(This entrepreneur has made remarkable achievements in the field of e-commerce.)

3. 他们冒着巨大风险去探索未知领域。(They took great risks to explore unknown territories.)


例句1:As a pioneer in the field of renewable energy, she has made significant contributions to the development of sustainable technologies.(作为可再生能源领域的先驱,她为可持续技术的发展做出了重要贡献。)

例句2:The company has been pioneering new methods for recycling plastic waste.(这家公司一直在开拓回收塑料废料的新方法。)

例句3:The pioneers faced many challenges when they first settled in this area.(最早定居在这个地区的移居者面临了许多挑战。)

例句4:She was one of the pioneers of modern dance, breaking away from traditional ballet and creating her own unique style.(她是现代舞蹈的先驱之一,摆脱传统芭蕾舞,创造出自己独特的风格。)

例句5:His innovative ideas and bold actions have made him a pioneer in the fashion industry.(他创新的想法和大胆的行动使他成为时尚界的先驱。)


1. pioneer spirit(先锋)

2. pioneer project(开拓项目)

3. pioneering work(开创性工作)

4. pioneer species(先锋物种)

5. pioneer settlement(先锋定居点)


1. pioneer是指开创者、先驱或先锋,常用于形容那些勇于探索和开拓新领域的人。:He is a pioneer in the field of biotechnology.(他是生物技术领域的先驱。)

2. pioneer也可以作为动词,意为“开辟、开拓或倡导”,常与介词in搭配使用,表示在某一领域或活动中起先导作用。:She pioneered new teaching methods in her school.(她在学校里倡导了新的教学方法。)

3. pioneer也可以指“移居者、殖民者”,特别是指最早来到某地并开始定居的人。:The pioneers faced many challenges when they first settled in this area.(最早定居在这个地区的移居者面临了许多挑战。)

1. Pioneer refers to a person who is a founder, trailblazer or vanguard, often used to describe those who are brave enough to explore and open up new territories.

2. Pioneer can also be used as a verb meaning "to open up, develop or advocate", often paired with the preposition "in" to indicate taking a leading role in a certain field or activity.

3. Pioneer can also refer to "settlers or colonizers", especially those who were the first to arrive and establish a settlement in a particular area.


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