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导读:1 scale是名词,意为“规模;比例;等级;刻度”。:The scale of the project is too large for one person to handle a

1. scale是名词,意为“规模;比例;等级;刻度”。:The scale of the project is too large for one person to handle alone.(这个项目的规模太大,一个人无法独自处理。)

2. scale也可以作动词,意为“按比例缩放;攀登;测量”。:The map can be scaled down to fit on one page.(这张地图可以按比例缩小到一页上。)

3. 在音乐领域,scale指“音阶”。:She played a beautiful scale on the piano.(她在钢琴上演奏了一段优美的音阶。)

4. 在数学中,scale指“比例尺”。:The map has a scale of 1 inch to 10 miles.(这张地图的比例尺为1英寸10英里。)

5. 在医学中,scale指“鳞状皮肤病”。:He has been diagnosed with a severe case of psoriasis, which causes thick, scaly patches on the skin.(他被诊断出患有严重的银屑病,这种疾病会在皮肤上形成厚厚的鳞片。)


[ skel ]


1. The company plans to scale its operations in order to meet the increasing demand for its products.


2. It can be difficult to scale a mountain without proper equipment and training.


3. The scale of the disaster is beyond what anyone could have imagined.


4. The scale on the thermometer showed that the temperature had dropped below freezing.


5. After losing her job, she had to scale back her spending in order to make ends meet.



1. large-scale (大规模的)

2. scale up (扩大规模)

3. fish scale (鱼鳞)

4. economies of scale (规模经济)

5. sliding scale (滑动比例)


1. 规模;比例;等级;刻度 - scale

2. 按比例缩放;攀登;测量 - scale

3. 音阶 - musical scale

4. 比例尺 - map scale

5. 鳞状皮肤病 - psoriasis

6. 公司计划扩大业务规模,以满足对其产品日益增长的需求。

The company plans to scale its operations in order to meet the increasing demand for its products.

7. 如果没有适当的装备和训练,攀登一座山可能会很困难。

It can be difficult to scale a mountain without proper equipment and training.

8. 这场灾难的规模超出了任何人的想象。

The scale of the disaster is beyond what anyone could have imagined.

9. 温度计上的刻度表明温度已经降到了冰点以下。

The scale on the thermometer showed that the temperature had dropped below freezing.

10. 失业后,她不得不削减开支以维持生计。

After losing her job, she had to scale back her spending in order to make ends meet.


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