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导读:1 shepherd是一个名词,指的是牧羊人。它也可以用作动词,意为引导、指导。2 shepherd的读音为[prd]。3 用法:(1)作为名词:例句

1. shepherd是一个名词,指的是牧羊人。它也可以用作动词,意为引导、指导。

2. shepherd的读音为['prd]。

3. 用法:


例句1:The shepherd led his flock of sheep to the grazing field.

例句2:The old shepherd has been taking care of the sheep for over 50 years.

例句3:The young boy learned how to be a good shepherd from his father.

例句4:The shepherds in this area are known for their excellent herding skills.

例句5:The shepherd's dog is trained to help him manage the sheep.


例句1:He shepherded the tourists through the narrow streets of the old town.

例句2:She was shepherding a group of children on a school trip to the zoo.

例句3:The coach is responsible for shepherding the players during training sessions.

例句4:It's important for parents to shepherd their children's education and development.

例句5:The government should take action to shepherd the economy through this crisis.

4. 组词:

shepherdess (女牧羊人)

shepherd dog (牧羊犬)

shepherd's pie (牧羊人派)

shepherd's crook (牧羊人手杖)

shepherd's hut (牧羊人小屋)

5. 中英文对照:

英文: The shepherd led his flock of sheep to the grazing field.

中文: 牧羊人把他的一群羊带到了放牧的地方。

英文: The old shepherd has been taking care of the sheep for over 50 years.

中文: 这位老牧羊人已经照顾这些羊超过50年了。

英文: The young boy learned how to be a good shepherd from his father.

中文: 这个小男孩从他父亲那里学会如何成为一名好的牧羊人。

英文: She was shepherding a group of children on a school trip to the zoo.

中文: 她正在带领一群孩子去动物园参加学校旅行。

英文: It's important for parents to shepherd their children's education and development.

中文: 父母引导孩子的教育和发展非常重要。


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