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not yet是什么意思?not yet的用法和例句

导读:not yet是一个常用的短语,意为“还没有”、“尚未”。它可以用来表示某件事情还没有发生或完成,也可以表示某件事情还没有达到预期的时

not yet是一个常用的短语,意为“还没有”、“尚未”。它可以用来表示某件事情还没有发生或完成,也可以表示某件事情还没有达到预期的时间或状态。在口语和书面语中都经常使用。

not yet的用法和例句

1. He has not yet finished his homework. (他还没有完成作业。)

2. The new product has not yet been launched. (这个新产品尚未发布。)

3. She is not yet ready to get married. (她还没有准备好结婚。)

4. I have not yet decided where to go for vacation. (我还没决定去哪里度假。)

5. They have not yet arrived at the airport. (他们还没有到达机场。)

not yet的用法

not yet通常放在句子中间,作为谓语动词的否定形式,也可以放在句末作为独立成分。它可以修饰动词、形容词或副词,表示某种状态或行为尚未发生。


1. The movie has not started yet, let's grab some snacks first.


2. I'm sorry, but the report is not ready for review yet.


3. The baby can crawl, but he is not walking on his own just yet.


4. The repair work has not yet been completed, so the road is still closed.


5. She is not yet old enough to drive a car.


not yet的例句

1. I have not yet received your email, could you please resend it?


2. They have not yet decided on a name for their new company.


3. The students have not yet turned in their assignments.


4. The flowers are not yet blooming, but they will be beautiful when they do.


5. He has not yet recovered from his illness, so he won't be able to attend the party.


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