作为名词,rang的主要含义是指某种声音或响声。,“the rang of the church bells”表示教堂钟声的响亮程度;“the rang of a gunshot”表示的尖锐程度。此外,rang也可以指铃声,“the phone rang”表示响了。
另外,rang也可以表示某种范围或区域。,“a wide rang of colors”表示广泛的颜色范围;“a large rang of products”表示多样的产品范围。
作为动词,rang的主要含义是发出响声或敲打某物。,“he rang the doorbell”表示他按了门铃;“the bell rang loudly”表示铃声大作。
除此之外,rang还有一些其他含义。,“to be in the right/wrong (rangs)”表示处于正确/错误的位置;“to ring true/false”表示听起来真实/虚假;“to ring up (someone)”表示给某人打。
1. The alarm clock rang loudly, waking me up from my deep sleep.
2. The doorbell rang and I rushed to open the door, expecting my friend to arrive.
3. The teacher asked a question and no one answered, so she rang the bell to get our attention.
4. The company offers a wide rang of services, from marketing to consulting.
5. After the accident, the sound of sirens could be heard ringing through the streets.