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1. 东兔是什么?


2. 东兔有什么特点?





3. 东兔是什么?东兔有什么特点?


“东兔”的发音为[dng t],其中“东”字的读音为[dng],意为“东方”,是指这种兔子主要分布在东部地区;“兔”字的读音为[t],是指这种动物属于兔科。

4. 东兔是什么?东兔有什么特点?







5. 东兔是什么?东兔有什么特点?



6. 东兔是什么?东兔有什么特点?

East Rabbit is a small mammal living in the eastern part of China, belonging to the family Leporidae. They have a small body size, usually only about 20 centimeters in length, and their fur is mostly gray-brown or brown. East Rabbits mainly inhabit grasslands, mountains, and farmlands, and they are skilled at jumping and digging.

East Rabbit is a small mammal living in the eastern part of China, also known as "East China Rabbit". They belong to the family Leporidae and have close genetic relationships with other domestic rabbits and wild rabbits.

East Rabbit has the following characteristics:

(1) Small body size: East Rabbits are usually only about 20 centimeters in length and weigh only a few hundred grams to over one kilogram. Compared with other large mammals, they are more agile.

(2) Good at jumping: Due to their living environment, which is mostly grasslands and mountains, East Rabbits have excellent jumping ability. They can easily jump from a steep slope and adapt quickly to different heights.

(3) Strong digging ability: The front paws of East Rabbits are very flexible and can be used to dig burrows or search for food. They have strong abilities to live underground and can dig tunnels up to several meters long.

(4) Nocturnal animals: East Rabbits are mostly nocturnal animals and are good at using darkness to protect themselves. They will hide in burrows during the day and come out at night to forage.

The pronunciation of "东兔" is [dng t], with "东" pronounced as [dng], meaning "east", referring to the fact that these rabbits are mainly distributed in eastern China; "兔" is pronounced as [t], referring to the fact that this animal belongs to the family Leporidae.


(1) A farmer found a cute East Rabbit in his field and took a picture of it in surprise.

(2) Xiao Ming loves to catch wild animals on the mountain, and he recently caught a wild East Rabbit.

(3) This small mammal has excellent jumping and digging abilities and is known as the "mountain elf".

(4) Children were playing in the park when suddenly an East Rabbit jumped out of the grass, scaring them.

(5) It is our responsibility to protect East Rabbits, I hope everyone will not hunt these precious animals.


East, small, mammal, Leporidae, body size, gray-brown, brown, habitat, grassland, mountain, farmland, skilled at jumping, strong digging ability, nocturnal animal.

In summary, East Rabbit is a small but agile mammal living in eastern China. They have excellent jumping and digging abilities and are mostly active at night. It is our responsibility to protect these precious animals and let them continue to thrive in their natural habitats.

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