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导读:1 东周末年指的是公元前476年至公元前221年,也就是东周朝廷衰落到秦国统一之前的这段时间。战国时期则是指公元前475年至公元前221年,也





1) 东周末年有战国的历史背景,是历史上动荡、社会变革的重要时期。

2) 在东周末年有战国的历史背景下,各诸侯国开始争夺权力。

3) 战国时期出现了许多优秀的文学作品,如《楚辞》、《论语》等。

4) 在东周末年有战国的历史背景下,各诸侯国之间经常发生。

5) 东周末年有战国的历史背景为后来、文化和发展奠定了基础。


6.East Zhou Dynasty at the end of the year with the history of the Warring States period, is a transitional period from feudal society to centralized power in China. During this time, China experienced political division and social turmoil due to the struggle among various vassal states in the Spring and Autumn period. As the vassal states grew stronger, they began to compete with the Zhou royal family for power and developed their own unique cultures and political systems. This eventually led to a situation where seven powerful states, namely Qi, Chu, Yan, Zhao, Wei, Han and Qin, competed against each other.

The historical background of East Zhou Dynasty at the end of the year with the Warring States period had a profound impact on Chinese history. Firstly, in terms of politics, this period saw a flourishing of different schools of thought known as "the Hundred Schools of Thought", such as Confucianism, Mohism and Taoism, laying the foundation for later developments in Chinese thought. Secondly, in literature and art, this was also a prosperous time where many outstanding works were produced. Lastly, in terms of military affairs, this was an important stage for the development of Chinese military strategy and thought.

Example sentences:

1) The historical background of East Zhou Dynasty at the end of the year with the Warring States period is an important period in Chinese history marked by political turmoil and social transformation.

2) Under the historical background of East Zhou Dynasty at the end of the year with Warring States period, various vassal states began to compete for power.

3) Many excellent literary works were produced during this time such as "Chu Ci" (Songs of Chu) and "Analects".

4) Under the historical background of East Zhou Dynasty at the end of the year with Warring States period, there were frequent military conflicts among various vassal states.

5) The historical background of East Zhou Dynasty at end of year with Warring States period laid the foundation for the development of Chinese politics, culture and military affairs.

Collocations: Spring and Autumn period, Seven states competing for hegemony, Three schools of Confucianism, Mohism and Taoism, The Hundred Schools of Thought, Chu Ci and Analects.

In conclusion, the historical background of East Zhou Dynasty at the end of the year with Warring States period was a significant period in Chinese history that marked a transition from feudal society to centralized power. It had a profound impact on politics, literature and art, as well as military affairs. This was a time of great changes and developments that laid the foundation for future developments in Chinese history.

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