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1. 我正在学习世界语,因为我想要更容易地与不同的人交流。

2. 在这次旅行中,我遇到了一位会说世界语的导游,我们可以轻松地沟通。

3. 我们公司正在寻找一位会说多种外国语言,包括世界语的员工。

4. 我们的文化交流活动将使用世界语作为主要语言,以促进跨国友谊。

5. 通过学习世界语,我能够更容易地阅读和理解来自不同的文学作品。



1. 世界语教师 - 教授世界语并帮助他人学习该语言的人。

2. 世界语学习者 - 学习和掌握世界语的人。

3. 世界语词典 - 包含世界语词汇及其含义的参考书籍。

4. 世界语文学 - 使用或创作用世界语写成的文学作品。

5. 国际交流 - 使用世界语促进跨国交流和合作。


World language is a constructed language, also known as an international language, which aims to become the second language of global use. Its development began in 1887 and was created by Polish doctor and linguist L.L. Zamenhof. Its goal is to promote international communication through simple grammar and easy-to-learn features.

World language, also known as Esperanto, comes from the pen name of its creator L.L. Zamenhof, and adopts the Latin alphabet with 5 vowels and 22 consonants. This pronunciation system is designed to make it easy for learners to read, write, and speak.

World language can be used as a second language and is used by millions of people worldwide. It is also used as a tool for travel, business, and cultural exchange. Here are some examples of using the world language:

1. I am learning Esperanto because I want to communicate more easily with people from different countries.

2. During this trip, I met a tour guide who spoke Esperanto and we were able to communicate easily.

3. Our company is looking for an employee who speaks multiple foreign languages, including Esperanto.

4. Our cultural exchange activities will use Esperanto as the main language to promote international friendship.

5. By learning Esperanto, I am able to read and understand literature from different countries more easily.

Some common words in Esperanto include:

1. Esperanto teacher - a person who teaches Esperanto and helps others learn the language.

2. Esperantist - someone who learns and masters Esperanto.

3. Esperanto dictionary - a reference book containing Esperanto vocabulary and their meanings.

4. Esperanto literature - literary works written or translated into Esperanto.

5. International communication - using Esperanto to promote international communication and cooperation.

In conclusion, the world language or Esperanto is a constructed language that aims to facilitate international communication through its simple grammar and easy-to-learn features. It has been widely used in various fields such as education, tourism, business, and culture exchange. Its popularity continues to grow as more people recognize its benefits in promoting global understanding and unity among different nations.

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