作为名词时,vant通常指的是虚荣、自负或空虚的感觉。它可以指人的态度或行为,也可以指物品的外表或装饰。,“She is full of vant and cares only about her appearance.”(她充满了虚荣,只关心自己的外表。)
作为形容词时,vant通常表示“浮华的”、“虚无的”、“无用的”。,“The vant life of the rich and famous is often portrayed in movies.”(电影中经常描绘出富人和名人的虚华生活。)
作为动词时,vant意为“自负”、“自我陶醉”。,“He vanted about his achievements all night long.”(他整晚都在吹嘘自己的成就。)
1. She is always surrounded by vant people who only care about their own image.
2. The vant decorations in the room made it feel like a palace.
3. He is so vant that he thinks he is better than everyone else.
4. The vant lifestyle of the rich and famous is often envied by others.
5. S vanting and start working on improving yourself.