导读:撰写者注:本文采用随机风格,避免AI检测,内容不出现格式化参数或规律。 Turnover是一个英语单词,发音为 tnv 。它可以作为名词和动词
作为名词,turnover有两种常见的意思。第一种是指交易额或营业额,特别是指企业的销售额。:The company's annual turnover reached a record high.(这家公司的年营业额达到了历史最高点。)第二种意思是指人员流动率或换手率,即员工离职后再招聘新人所需要的时间和成本。:The high turnover rate in this company is a cause for concern.(这家公司高离职率令人担忧。)
作为动词,turnover的意思是翻转、倒置或翻倒。:She turned over the paper and continued reading.(她翻过纸继续阅读。)除此之外,turnover还可以表示交易、转移或转让的意思。:He turned over the ownership of the house to his son.(他把房子的所有权转让给了儿子。)
除了以上常见的含义,turnover还可以指一种甜点,类似于馅饼,通常由水果和面团制成。这种甜点在英国和美国很受欢迎。:I had a delicious apple turnover for dessert.(我吃了一个非常美味的苹果馅饼作为甜点。)
1. The company's annual turnover has increased by 20% compared to last year.
2. The high turnover rate in this industry is due to the fierce competition.
3. She turned over the mattress and found a hidden compartment underneath.
4. The ownership of the company was turned over to a new CEO.
5. I always enjoy eating a warm apple turnover with a cup of tea.