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导读:释义: "What is your hometown? "是对“你是哪里人?”的英文翻译。这是一种常用的问候方式,用来询问对方的出生地或者长期居住地。写


"What is your hometown?"是对“你是哪里人?”的英文翻译。这是一种常用的问候方式,用来询问对方的出生地或者长期居住地。


"What is your hometown?"这句话可以作为一个完整的句子使用,也可以作为一个短语出现在其他句子中。在书面语中,可以使用这个问候方式来开启一段话,如: "What is your hometown? I am curious to know more about where you come from." 在口语中,也可以直接使用这句话来询问对方。


1. "Hi, my name is Sarah. What is your hometown?"

2. "I'm from Beijing. What about you? What's your hometown?"

3. "Nice to meet you. So, what's your hometown?"

4. "I've been traveling for a while now, but originally I'm from New York City. What about you? Where are you from?"

5. "I love hearing different accents and languages. So, tell me, what's your hometown?"


1. "Hey there, I'm John. What's your hometown?"

2. "I come from a small town in Italy called Bologna. And you? Where are you from originally?"

3. "Greetings! May I ask where you're from originally?"

4. "I've been living in London for the past 10 years, but my hometown is actually Paris. Where are you from yourself?"

5. "It's always interesting to meet people from different places. So, what's your hometown?"


"What is your hometown?" This is the English translation of "你是哪里人?" It is a common way of greeting, used to ask about one's place of birth or long-term residence.


"What is your hometown?" can be used as a complete sentence or as a phrase in other sentences. In written language, it can be used to start a conversation, for example: "What is your hometown? I am curious to know more about where you come from." In spoken language, it can be used directly to ask someone about their hometown.

Example sentences:

1. "Hi, my name is Sarah. What is your hometown?"

2. "I'm from Beijing. What about you? What's your hometown?"

3. "Nice to meet you. So, what's your hometown?"

4. "I've been traveling for a while now, but originally I'm from New York City. What about you? Where are you from?"

5. "I love hearing different accents and languages. So, tell me, what's your hometown?"

Example references 1-5:

1. "Hey there, I'm John. What's your hometown?"

2. "I come from a small town in Italy called Bologna. And you? Where are you from originally?"

3. "Greetings! May I ask where you're from originally?"

4. "I've been living in London for the past 10 years, but my hometown is actually Paris. Where are you from yourself?"

5. "It's always interesting to meet people from different places. So, what's your hometown?"

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