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导读:How to Translate "拼搏 " into English?释义: "拼搏 "是一个汉语词汇,指的是不断努力奋斗、拼命争取的和行为。在英语中,可以用 "s

How to Translate "拼搏" into English?


"拼搏"是一个汉语词汇,指的是不断努力奋斗、拼命争取的和行为。在英语中,可以用 "struggle"、"fight"、"endeavor" 等词来表达这一含义。


当我们想要表达 "拼搏" 这个词时,在英文中可以有多种选择。下面将为你介绍几种不同的表达方式。


How to Translate "拼搏" into English?


1. Struggle:这个词最接近 "拼搏" 的含义,它可以指代任何形式的艰难奋斗和努力。:"She struggled to make ends meet after losing her job."(她失业后,为了维持生计而艰难奋斗。)

2. Fight:这个词也可以表示 "拼搏" 的意思,但它更多地强调战斗和抵抗的意味。:"The team fought hard to win the championship."(这支球队为了赢得冠而努力战斗。)

3. Endeavor:这个词通常用来表示长期、持续的努力和尝试,更注重于过程而非结果。:"He endeavored to become a successful businessman."(他努力成为一名成功的商人。)


How to Translate "拼搏" into English?


1. She has been struggling for years to achieve her dream of becoming a doctor.


2. The soldiers fought bravely against the enemy, despite being outnumbered.


3. He endeavored to learn a new language every year, and now he can speak five languages fluently.


4. The young athlete's determination and hard work paid off when she won the gold medal at the Olympics.


5. Despite all the difficulties, he never gave up and continued to fight for his dreams.



How to Translate "拼搏" into English?


"拼搏" is a Chinese word that refers to the spirit and actions of constantly striving and fighting for one's goals. In English, this can be expressed using words like "struggle," "fight," or "endeavor."

Writing Format:

When we want to convey the meaning of "拼搏" in English, there are multiple options available. Below are some different ways to express it.

How to Translate "拼搏" into English?


1. Struggle: This word is closest in meaning to "拼搏," and can refer to any form of difficult struggle or effort. For example: "She struggled to make ends meet after losing her job."

2. Fight: This word can also be used to express the meaning of "拼搏," but it emphasizes more on the idea of battle and resistance. For example: "The team fought hard to win the championship."

3. Endeavor: This word is usually used to indicate long-term, continuous efforts and attempts, with more focus on the process rather than the result. For example: "He endeavored to become a successful businessman."

How to Translate "拼搏" into English?

Example Sentences:

1. She has been struggling for years to achieve her dream of becoming a doctor.

2. The soldiers fought bravely against the enemy, despite being outnumbered.

3. He endeavored to learn a new language every year, and now he can speak five languages fluently.

4. The young athlete's determination and hard work paid off when she won the gold medal at the Olympics.

5. Despite all the difficulties, he never gave up and continued to fight for his dreams.

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