导读:What is the meaning and how to say it in English? 释义:释义是对一个词或短语的意思进行解释和说明。在这里,我们通过英
What is the meaning and how to say it in English?
The format should include what it means and how to say it in English.
What does it mean, and how do you say it in English?
The usage of 的 and how to say its meaning in English.
1. What does "happiness" mean? How do you say it in English?
2. The word "love" can be translated as "爱" in Chinese. What about its meaning and expression in English?
3. "美食"在英文中可以用"delicacy"来表示,你知道它的其他表达方式吗?
4. Can you explain the meaning of "success" and give some examples of how to use it in sentences?
5. When talking about "friendship", what is its equivalent term and usage in English?
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The word count should be at least 1000 words or more.