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导读:How to translate "代价 " in English?释义: "代价 " in Chinese means "cost " or "price " It refers to the amount of

How to translate "代价" in English?


"代价" in Chinese means "cost" or "price". It refers to the amount of money, effort, or sacrifice that is required to obtain or achieve something.


When translating "代价" into English, there are a few options depending on the context. Here are some possible ways to translate it:

1. Cost

2. Price

3. Expense

4. Sacrifice

5. Toll


1. Cost:

This translation is often used when talking about the monetary value of something.

Example: The cost of living has increased significantly in this city.

2. Price:

Similar to "cost", this translation also refers to the monetary value of something, but it can also be used in a broader sense.

Example: What is the price of success? Is it worth sacrificing your personal life for?

3. Expense:

This translation emphasizes the financial burden or burden on resources.

Example: The expenses for this project are too high, we need to find ways to reduce them.

4. Sacrifice:

This translation focuses on the idea of giving up something valuable in order to gain something else.

Example: She had to make many sacrifices in her career in order to reach her goals.

5. Toll:

This translation can refer to both a monetary cost as well as a physical or emotional toll.

Example: The toll of war is immeasurable - both financially and emotionally.


1. 他为了买这辆车付出了巨大的代价。(He paid a huge cost for buying this car.)

2. 成功的代价是什么?值得为了它牺牲个人生活吗?(What is the price of success? Is it worth sacrificing personal life for?)

3. 这项工程的费用太高了,我们需要想办法降低。(The expenses for this project are too high, we need to find ways to reduce them.)

4. 她为了实现职业目标不得不做出很多牺牲。(She had to make many sacrifices in her career in order to reach her goals.)

5. 战争的代价是无法估量的 - 不管是在经济上还是情感上。(The toll of war is immeasurable - both financially and emotionally.)


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