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导读:What is the English translation for "企划 " (planning)?释义: "企划 "是指为实现特定目标或完成某项任务而制定的详细计划。它通

What is the English translation for "企划" (planning)?



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Title: What is the English translation for "企划" (planning)?

Introduction: In this article, we will explore the English translation for the Chinese term "企划", which refers to the process of creating a detailed plan to achieve a specific goal or complete a task. We will discuss its meaning, usage, and provide examples to showcase its application in different contexts.


The term "企划" is commonly used in various fields such as business, project management, and marketing. It can refer to a strategic plan, project plan, or marketing plan. In business, it is often used to describe the planning process for a new product or service launch. Project managers use it to outline the steps and resources needed to complete a project successfully. In marketing, it refers to the planning and execution of promotional activities.

Example sentences:

1) Our company's 企划 for the new product launch includes market research, product development, and advertising strategies.

2) The 企划 team has been working hard to ensure that all aspects of our project are well-planned and executed.

3) The success of our marketing campaign was due to our well-executed 企划.

4) The CEO presented his 企划 for expanding into international markets during the board meeting.

5) As part of our 企划, we have allocated resources for employee training and development.

Example reference sentences:

1) According to our 企划, we will focus on increasing our market share in the next quarter.

2) The project manager presented a detailed 企划 to the stakeholders, outlining the timeline and budget for the project.

3) Our marketing team is currently finalizing the 企划 for our upcoming product launch.

4) The company's 企划 was met with skepticism from investors due to its ambitious goals.

5) As per our 企划, we will be launching a new advertising campaign next month.


In conclusion, "企划" is a Chinese term that refers to the process of creating a detailed plan to achieve a specific goal or complete a task. It has various applications in business, project management, and marketing. Its English translation can vary depending on the context but generally refers to planning or strategy. By understanding its meaning and usage, we can effectively incorporate it into our work and achieve success in our endeavors.

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