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导读:What is the English translation of "谷地 "?谷地 (g d) is a Chinese word that can be translated as "valley " or

What is the English translation of "谷地"?

谷地 (g d) is a Chinese word that can be translated as "valley" or "ravine" in English. It refers to a low-lying area of land between two mountains or hills, often with a river or stream running through it.

The word "valley" comes from the Old English word "fl," meaning "fall" or "descend," which refers to the sloping nature of a valley. In English, the word can also be used to describe any low-lying area surrounded by higher land.


The meaning of 谷地 (g d) is a geographical term that describes a low-lying area between two mountains or hills. It can also refer to any valley-like depression in the terrain.


谷地 (g d) is used as a noun in Chinese and can be used in both formal and informal contexts. It is often used in descriptions of landscapes, such as when talking about hiking through valleys or admiring the beauty of a mountain valley.

In English, "valley" is also used as a noun and can be used in various ways, such as describing a geographical feature, an agricultural region, or even metaphorically to describe a period of hardship or struggle.


1. 我们沿着山谷徒步旅行,欣赏着壮丽的风景。

Translation: We hiked along the valley and enjoyed the magnificent scenery.

2. 这个小镇坐落在一个美丽的山谷中,被大自然环绕。

Translation: This small town is located in a beautiful valley, surrounded by nature.

3. 那个谷地里有一条小溪,水清澈见底。

Translation: There is a small stream in the valley, and the water is crystal clear.

4. 这片谷地的土壤肥沃,适合种植各种农作物。

Translation: The soil in this valley is fertile and suitable for growing various crops.

5. 经历了一段时间的谷底,他终于找到了新的工作。

Translation: After going through a period of hardship, he finally found a new job.


In summary, 谷地 (g d) is a Chinese word that can be translated as "valley" or "ravine" in English. It refers to a low-lying area between two mountains or hills and can also be used to describe any valley-like depression in the terrain. In English, "valley" has similar meanings but can also have metaphorical uses.

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